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Replacing the Windows console with Cmder

·1 min

In a previous post I talked about [terminal replacements for Mac OS X]({% post_url 2015-10-22-terminal-replacement-on-mac-os-x %}). Unfortunately, on Windows the choices are less numerous.

PowerShell is pretty awesome and on Windows 8/10 it quickly became my default environment, especially with PosGit installed. However, I was still looking for something … more nix‘ish.

I tried Babun, but I found the cygwin environment just foreign enough that I wasn’t comfortable with it.

Enter Cmder. It’s based on ConEmu but adds some nice Git and other configuration (make sure you grab the msygit version). It also supports tasks, which allow you to quickly and easily create new tabs with, for example, an admin PowerShell, or a Git Bash terminal, or an admin chocolatey session.
